cover to cast recordingLa Fille du Tambour-Major

(The Drum Major’s Daughter)


Operette in 3 acts by Henri Chivot and Alfred Duru. Adapted by Max de Rieux.

Premier - Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques, Paris 13 December, 1879


The operetta takes place in Lombardy in 1806

Act 1 - In a deserted Italian convent.

A company of French soldiers, commanded by lieutenant Robert, has crossed the Alps to rendezvous with the army of the First Consul.

Lieutenant Robert’s company, headed by Drum Major Monthabor and the soldier Griolet, invades a convent whence all the nuns have fled for fear of the occupiers. The only person left is a young woman who was there for penitence and who, very quickly gets all these gentlemen in the palm of her hand. This is Stella, daughter of the Duke and Duchess della Volta. Of course, the gentlemanly and handsome lieutenant falls in love with the brave rebel who, from now one, must follow the regiment.

Act 2 - A room in the château of the Duke della Volta à Novare

And now, lieutenant Robert finds himself billeted in the palace of the Duke of Novare. And what a coincidence! The Duchess della Volta is the divorced wife of Drum Major Monthabor and Stella is their daughter. With great enthusiasm, the latter signs up as a vivandière in her father’s company.

Act 3

Scene 1 - The Hôtellerie du Lion d’Or in Milan.

But the fighting is not over. The lieutenant, the Drum Major, the company and Stella are being looked for. Using a trap, the Austrian police seize Stella whom her parents are begging to marry a certain Marquis Bambini. All is going badly.

Scene 2 - A street in Milan

At the very end, Napoleon’s victory changes everything. A departing song announces the arrival of the French troops. Milan greets those who have liberated its inhabitants from the Austrian yoke. And Stella is to marry Lieutenant Robert.

Thus ends, in glory and joy, a lively and sensitive work composed by a genius who was worn out and close to death.

Musical Numbers

  1. Moquoins-nous de la réprimande - Chorus and Stella
  2. Nous serons ici parfaitement - Ensemble
  3. De grâce ayez pitié de moi - Ensemble
  4. Petit français, brave français - Ensemble and Stella
  5. La Légende de petit troupier - Claudine and Griolet
  6. Finale Act 1 - Messieurs les militaires
  7. A vraiment, je le déclare - Stella
  8. Quartet: C'est un billet de logement - Griolet, the Duke, Tobert, Monthabor
  9. Eh bien, en voilà des manières - Claudine
  10. Waltz Ensemble
  11. Je ne respire que pour vos doux yeux - Robert and Stella
  12. Le voilà, ce bel uniforme - Griolet
  13. Finale Act 2 - Le fille du tambour-major - Ensemble and Stella
  14. Tarentelle - Robert and chorus
  15. Je suis le petit cocher - Stella
  16. Duet: la confession - Monthabor and la Duchesse
  17. Le chant du départ et final


  • Stella
  • Robert
  • Monthabor
  • Claudine
  • Griolet
  • La Duchesse della Volta
  • Le Duc della Volta
  • La supérieure
  • Campas