Niko[laus Josef Michael] Dostal

Austrian Composer; Born: 27th. November, 1895 in Korneuburg; Died 27th October, 1981 in Salzburg

Stage works

  1. Die exzentrische Frau (Operetta); Salzburg 1922

  2. Lagunenzauber (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Max (?) Reimann and Franz Wagner); Opernhaus Graz, 21 April, 1923

  3. Clivia (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Charles Amberg and Franz Maregg); Theater am Nollendorfplatz, Berlin; 23 December, 1933

  4. Die Vielgeliebte (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Rudolf Köller and Franz /Maregg); Neues Opernhaus, Leipzig; December 1934

  5. Prinzessin Nofretete (Operetta; 2 Acts; with romantic play interlude; libretto by Komponisten / Köller); Cologne; 1936

  6. Extrablätter (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Gustav Quedenfeldt); Bremen, 1937

  7. Monika (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Hermann Hermecke); Stuttgart, 3 October, 1937

  8. Die ungarische Hochzeit (Operetta; 3 Acts with prologue; libretto by Hermann Hermecke); Stuttgart, 4 February, 1939

  9. Die Flucht ins Glück (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Hermann Hermecke); Stuttgart, 1940

  10. Die große Tänzerin (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Hans Schachner); Chemnitz, 1942; revised as Bravissimo Angelina - 1964

  11. Eva im Abendkleid (musical comedfy; 3 Acts ; libretto by Franz & Maria Gribitz); Chemnitz, 1942

  12. Manina (Operetta; 4 tableaux; libretto by Hans Adler and Alexander Lix); Berlin, 1942

  13. Verzauberte Herzen (Singspiel (composed 1946; no production) libretto by Bruno Hardt-Warden

  14. Ein Fremder in Venedig (A Stranger in Venice) (operetta; 4 tableaux with scenic prologue (composed 1946; no prpoduction) libretto by Felix Smetana

  15. Süße kleine Freundin (Small Sweet Friend) (musical comedy, 5 scenes; libretto by Franz and Maria Gribitz); Wuppertal, 1949

  16. Zirkusblut (Circus Blood) (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Hermecke); Leipzig, 1950 (and simultaneous premiers in eight East German cities)

  17. Der Kurier der Königin (The Queen's Courier) (Operetta; 3 Acts; libretto by Max Wallner and Kurt Feltz); Hamburg, 1950

  18. Doktor Eisenbart (Doctor Ironbeard) (Grand spectacular operetta; 7 tableaux; libretto by Hermecke); Nürnberg, 1952

  19. Der dritte Wunsch (romantic play with music; 8 tableaux; libretto by Adler);Nürnberg 1954

  20. Liebesbriefe (Love Letters) (Operetta; 2 Acts; libretto by Hubert Marischka and Rudolf Österreicher); Vienna; 1955

  21. So macht man Karriere (little musical; libretto by Peter Herz and Willy Fuchs); Nürnberg 1961

  22. Rhapsodie der Liebe (Rhapsody of Love) (Operetta; 3 Acts, prologue and epilogue; libretto by Herz & Paul Knepler); Nürnberg 1963

  23. Der goldene Spiegel (The Golden Mirror) (musical comedy; 7 scenes (no production)

  24. Don Juan und Figaro oder Das Lamm des Armen (comic opera; 1 act; libretto by Herz); Laxenburg 1990